Snacks From Hawaii

I got the nicest surprise in the mail yesterday — a care package filled with local Hawaii snacks from my friend fern on Oahu.


She sent quite a few of my favorites, like passion Orange drink mix (YUM), Coconut Pudding Haupia (it’s kind of like coconut Jell-O), Red Coconut balls and Mauna Loa Macadamia Nuts, and some things I’ve never tried before, which I’m super stoked about. Seriously, I can’t wait to get those Hawaiian sun Pancake mixes (Lilikoi passion Fruit, Pineapple Coconut and chocolate Macadamia Nut) into my tum! I’m going through a breakfast-for-every-meal-of-the-day phase, and these should totally hit the spot.


There are some non-food-related things in there, too, like yummy-smelling soaps and lotions, a sweet card, a magazine, lip balm, and some drops to keep in the potty for those, um…less-than-fragrant moments when you’re on the throne (it happens to us all).

THANK YOU, FERN! This was very sweet of you. You made my week.

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