Life in the fast Lane

I observed that I started doing this recently, and I’m 100% sure that it’s linked to mommy Land, ’cause now, whenever I eat, I eat hella fast, shoveling every bite into my mouth like someone is about to take my food away. because I’m always waiting…always listening…for Connor Claire to start huffing and fussing.

She has some kind of special radar. “Ooooh, mommy wants to eat a hot meal? OK, time to turn on Fussy baby Mode!”



And I don’t just eat quickly. I pay bills quickly, do laundry quickly, shower quickly, use the potty swiftly (Haha! It’s true though…) — I step like the Flash during those precious minutes of quiet time when Connor’s napping.

I’ve been wondering (worrying) how I’m going to get stuff made with an infant at home when I go back to blogging full time, and I was talking to a friend (Hi, Steph!) about this the other day, and she said that it is hard to work from home with a baby, but still entirely possible.

Because ideal now it seems impossible.

She said that the keys are 1) to have routines, 2) to work as fast as you can while the baby sleeps, 3) to be flexible with yourself and 4) to regularly ask for help.

So, um…help?


Anybody else have any good tips? I could sure use some ideas (and a little reassurance).

Your friendly neighborhood appeal addict,


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