Rouge Bunny Rouge summertime 2015 Collection Swatches as well as photos

pieces from the Rouge Bunny Rouge summertime 2015 collection, offered now on the internet as well as at RBR counters
The elegant floral styles on these pans of Evanescence Imperceptible Powder are making my heart beat quicker than a bunny’s. Those as well as the new Rouge Bunny Rouge Silk Aether Long-Lasting Duo cream Eyeshadow in 085 Glossamer Wing, which I haven’t seen from the brand before, definitely have my interest. They’re new products in the Rouge Bunny Rouge summertime 2015 collection.

I don’t understand exactly how you do it, RBR, however you sure understand exactly how to hippity-hippity-hop into my makeup loving heart. ?


Hare (get it?) are some swatches as well as pics…

Rouge Bunny Rouge wonderful Excesses Glass Gloss in 078 Rhubarb Custard, 056 Fleur Parfait, 080 Raspberry Meringue, 079 Rahat Lokum as well as 082 Mousse Fandango ($29 each)
Rouge Bunny Rouge Swell Bliss XXX Lip Plum in 085 Heather royal Jelly, 084 Acacia royal Jelly as well as 083 Clover royal Jelly ($33 each)

Rouge Bunny Rouge Evanescence Imperceptible Powders in 058 Aura, 059 Halo, 060 Mirage as well as 061 Eidola ($48 each)

Rouge Bunny Rouge Silk Aether Long-Lasting Duo cream Eyeshadow in 085 Glossamer Wing (top, I’m still hunting down the cost for this) as well as Raven Glaze Lacquer eyeliner (bottom, $32)

Rouge Bunny Rouge Evanescence Imperceptible Powders in 058 Aura, 059 Halo, 060 Mirage as well as 061 Eidola
Rouge Bunny Rouge Swell Bliss XXX Lip Plum in 085 Heather royal Jelly, 084 Acacia royal Jelly an d083 Clover royal Jelly
Rouge Bunny Rouge wonderful Excesses Glass Gloss in 078 Rhubarb Custard, 056 Fleur Parfait, 080 Raspberry Meringue, 079 Rahat Lokum as well as 082 Mousse Fandango
Rouge Bunny Rouge Silk Aether Long-Lasting Duo cream Eyeshadow in 085 Glossamer Wing (left as well as center) as well as Raven Glaze Lacquer eyeliner (far right)


Interested bunnies ? requirement only hop as far as their closest Rouge Bunny Rouge counter to find these pieces (or go on the internet to or


Cats & makeup Sweatshirt ??


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Your friendly community beauty bunny,


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